Associated MSc and PhD programs

For whom?



  • You are interested in chemistry, physics or materials science and engineering?
  • You are highly motivated?
  • And you have a good academic track record?


Then the ITI HiFunMat Graduate School is for you!



You can join the HiFunMat Graduate School in your first or second year of your Master, and during your Ph.D.. We welcome students from chemistry, physics, materials science and chemical engineering backgrounds, from France, Europe or any other country in the world.

We are looking for students that, next to their domain of expertise, are interested in working at the interface of different research domains to push forward the development of the next generation of materials. For students that are enthusiastic about working together with researchers, engineers and technicians, in academia and industry, and would like to work on interlaboratory projects.

Eligible master students are in the possession of a B.Sc. diploma in Chemistry, Physics or Materials science, they are proficient in English (minimum B2 level), and have been accepted in one of our three supported Master programs.

Students are selected on the quality of their academic performance, their motivation and the quality of their professional career projects.

To find out more about the application process please visit the Apply page

Associated Master programs

ITI HiFunMat is associated to three principal Master programs, from three faculties and two engineering schools:

  • Master of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Master of Chemistry
  • Master of Physics
  • Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie
  • Faculté de Chimie
  • Faculté des sciences & Techniques
  • ECPM (Master of Chemistry)
  • ENSCMu


These two-year Master programs consist of commun core modules in the first year (M1) and specialized tracks in the second year (M2). You need to register to one of these Master programs to be eligible to the HiFunMat Graduate School:

Students interested in Chemistry

M1 track

  • Green chemistry (CV) - Faculté de Chimie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry (CMS) - Faculté de Chimie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry (CMM) Faculté de Sciences et technologie, UHA - English as teaching language


M2 tracks

  • Green chemistry (CV) - Faculté de Chimie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry (CMS) - Faculté de Chimie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry (CMM) Faculté de Sciences et technologie, UHA - English as teaching language


Students interested in Material science

M1 tracks:

  • Physical Chemistry and Material science (CPM) - Faculté de Chimie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • International Master on Polymer Science (ImPolyS) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - English as teaching language

  • Material Science and Engineering (SGM) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - French as teaching language

  • Material Science and Engineering (SGM) - Faculté des sciences & Techniques, UHA - French as teaching language


M2 tracks

  • Physical Chemistry and Material science (CPM) - Faculté de Chimie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Ingénierie des Polymères (IP) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - French and English as teaching languages
  • Materials and Nanosciences (IMN) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - French as teaching language
  • Design of Materials and Innovative Surfaces (DSMI) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - French as teaching language
  • International Master on Polymer Science (ImPolyS) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Formulation de Matériaux et Fonctionnalisation des surface (SGMFMFS) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - French as teaching language
  • Material Science and Engineering (SGM) - Faculté des sciences & Techniques, UHA - French as teaching language


Students interested in Physics

M1 track

  • Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter (PhyQS) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Préparation à l'agrégation : physique (PHYS aggrèg.) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - English as teaching language


M2 tracks

  • Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter (PhyQS) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - English as teaching language
  • Cell physics (PC) - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, Unistra - English as teaching language

The PhyQS and PC tracks highly benefit from the Magistère of Fundamental Physics (MdPF)


Engineering Schools
  • The CMS, IP and IMN tracks allows the integration of students from the ECPM
  • The CMM and FMFS tracks allow the integration of students from the ENSCMu

Associated doctoral schools

ITI HiFunMat is associated to three doctoral schools :

  • ED 182 - Ecole Doctorale de Physique et Chimie-Physique
  • ED 222 - Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Chimiques
  • ED 269 - Ecole Doctorale de Mathématiques, Sciences de l'Information et de l'Ingénieur
Faculté de physique & ingénierie
Faculté de chimie
Carnot MICA