Sponsored events

Event sponsoring request

ITI HiFunMat grants financial support to several interdisciplinary scientific events each year.


To obtain a financial support from the ITI HiFunMat, you can download the dedicated form below, and send it to melodie.galerne[at]unistra.fr when completed.


Eligibility criteria

  • A HiFunMat member should be involved in the organisation or be invited
  • There are communication opportunities in the form of a HiFunMat booth, a presentation (oral or poster), a kakemono, etc.
  • Registration is free for HiFunMat Master and PhD students
  • The male/female ratio of speakers should reflect the male/female ratio in the discipline



2024 events sponsored by ITI HiFunMat

Journée SCF-ALSACE 2024 -- première édition

 Date | 08 March 2024

 Location | Chemistry Faculty, Strasbourg

 Website | https://scfalsace24.sciencesconf.org/


The regional section ALSACE of the Société Chimique de France (SCF) is organizing the first edition of this free scientific event which aims to bring together the Alsatian community of chemists and create a local dynamic around the SCF-ALSACE and more generally around the SCF. The program of this scientific day will include 4 keynotes lectures, including those of three winners of SCF prizes in 2023 and the winner of the first SCF-ALSACE PhD Prize, 6 oral communications of young researchers and a poster session. This day will be a unique and privileged occasion for fruitful scientific exchanges, discussions and networking between local chemists, thus gathering the local community involved in all fields of chemistry and strengthening the links between them.

ED182 PhD Students' Congrès

 Date | 21 March 2024

 Location | Strasbourg

 Website | https://congress-ed182.sciencesconf.org/


The Doctoral School 182 (DS 182) of Physics and Physical Chemistry is a multidisciplinary doctoral school which stretches out over 8 institutes in Alsace and which includes a large panel of scientific
areas – from molecular chemistry to particle physics, including optics, material sciences… and much more! The PhD students' congress aims to gather the PhD students from DS 182 to meet up and discover the different research areas. The congress is organized by PhD students for PhD students and will be the occasion to have a convivial moment together, with oral and poster communications from students and an oral presentation from an invited speaker. It will also be the opportunity for new PhD students to discover more about some research networks. It will be an occasion to meet, to learn but also to practice. Every participant is invited to present their research subject, in the form of a poster or oral communication, while taking care of popularizing the subject for a multidisciplinary audience! Best productions will be awarded.


French American Chemical Society Symposium

 Date | 2-6 June 2024

 Location | Paris

 Website | https://facs2024.sciencesconf.org/


The French American Chemical Society (FACS) is a completely volunteer, non-profit organization that was informally established in 1986 by Pr. E. J. Corey (Harvard University Professor and Nobel Prize recipient) and the late Dr. Pierre Potier (Director of the Institute of Natural Products Chemistry, ICSN, in Gif-sur-Yvette, France) to promote organic chemistry in its broadest sense and also the scientific interactions between France, United States and Canada. FACS conferences present recent advances in organic synthesis which are of keen interest to academic and industry-based researchers. Our biennial conferences alternate between well-chosen sites in France and the USA.
For the 19th edition of FACS, 18 French and 18 American and Canadian speakers are invited to share with the public the latest developments in their research into organic synthesis in the broadest sense. We intend to cover catalytic and/or asymmetric synthesis, total synthesis of natural products, organometallic chemistry, new modes of chemical activation, medicinal chemistry, agrochemistry and process research. Particular attention was paid to balancing the program between well-established participants and young associate professors and industrial chemists. In addition, we have opened the Symposium to PhD students at special rates.


19ème journée de la Section Est du GFP

 Date | 12 June 2024

 Location | Strasbourg

 Website | https://www.gfp-grand-est.cnrs.fr/


Chaque année la section Est du Groupe Français d’Etudes et Applications des Polymères (GFP) organise une journée scientifique. L’objectif de cette dernière est de poursuivre et de pérenniser les échanges autour des polymères. Les polyméristes, doctorants, chercheurs académiques et industriels du domaine sont les bienvenus afin d’encourager et de maintenir les échanges dans les domains de la synthèse de polymères, la fonctionnalisation, les polymères bio-sourcés et biodégrables, les procédés de polymérisation et la caractérisation des polymères.


Journée H2 de l'Unistra

 Date | 17 June 2024

 Location | ECPM, Campus Cronenbourg


Dans le contexte de la transition énergétique, l'Université de Strasbourg souhaite rendre visible la recherche scientifique menée par ses différentes équipes de recherche autour de l'hydrogène. Cette journée présentera les différentes thématiques développées dans les unités de recherche sur les axes : Production, Stockage/Transport, Usages et Transverse (analyse de cycle de vie, études socio-économiques, gestion de l’eau lié à l’H2, etc.). A travers l’intervention de ses chercheuses, chercheurs et des invités d’organismes nationaux de recherche (ADEME, CNRS, etc), l’Unistra présentera l’état des lieux de ses recherches, pour les rendre visibles et stimuler les futurs projets de collaboration entre partenaires de recherche, industriels et institutionnels.


Strasbourg Soft Matter Meeting - StraSoft2024

 Date | 24-26 June 2024

 Location | Strasbourg

 Website | https://strasoft2024.sciencesconf.org/


The scope of this meeting is to encourage students and researchers (Master, PhDs, Postdocs and others) working in the broad field of Soft Matter (polymers, biophysics, complex fluids, active matter, colloids, wetting, microfluidics, membranes, out of equilibrium phenomena) to present their activities, providing an opportunity to stimulate discussions and future collaborations between different groups and laboratories.


European Summer School: Radiation Measurements and Radiochemistry in Environment and Decommissioning

 Date | 1-5 July 2024

 Location | Strasbourg, Karlsruhe (one day)

 Website | https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20710/ ; https://esc.u-strasbg.fr/


Inherited from the University of Strasbourg's tradition of excellence since 2002 (http://esc.u-strasbg.fr/), this summer school builds on past successes and innovates by integrating cutting-edge teaching methods. The proposed European Summer School 2024 will focus on Radiation Measurements and Radiochemistry in Environment and Decommissioning, with a particular emphasis on the emerging fields of environmental measurements and the topical issue of decommissioning of nuclear facilities. This event will be in collaboration between Franco-German universities, with programs covering a broad, multi-disciplinary field. Fundamental approaches and practical applications of radioactivity measurements will be discussed. Case studies of numerical modelling will be compared with experimental results. This unique combination of theory and practice will enable participants to acquire valuable practical skills while deepening their theoretical knowledge. Practical workshops will be held at IPHC facilities in Strasbourg and at KIT-INE (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Institute Nuclear Waste Disposal) in Karlsruhe. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their research, discuss new developments and make new contacts. The school will bring together speakers and participants of various nationalities; as such, the working language of the school will be English.


7th Plenary days of the GDR Bioingénierie des Interfaces

 Date | 3-4 July 2024

 Location | Mulhouse

 Website | https://events.femto-st.fr/GdR_B2i/fr


This year, the GDR Bioingénierie des Interfaces organizes the plenary meeting from 3 to 4 July 2024 in Mulhouse. The GDR Bioingénierie des Interfaces (B2i) focuses on the interface between materials and biological environments in the broadest sense. The scientific scope of this GDR includes the development, characterization, and modeling of biointerfaces for applications in the fields of tissue engineering, antifouling, biosensors, etc., but also for the study of biological mechanisms or specific interactions. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the GDR B2i brings together teams working in the fields of (bio)chemistry, physical chemistry of materials and interfaces, and biology.


Groupe d’Études en Chimie Organique (GECO64)

 Date | 25-30 august 2024

 Location | Cap d'Agde

 Website | https://geco64.sciencesconf.org/


Ce colloque annuel est d’envergure internationale, tout en favorisant l’expression en langue française. Il rassemble chaque année, pendant une semaine et sur un même site, entre 50 et 80 chimistes professionnels (académiques et industriels, français et étrangers) autour d’une douzaine de conférenci.ères invités prestigieux. Ces hôtes invités présentent leurs travaux les plus marquants lors d’une conférence d’environ une heure. Les participant.es inscrit.es, pour leur part, exposent en 15 minutes leurs travaux les plus récents lors de communications orales. Les thèmes abordés au cours du GECO sont très variés et allient la recherche fondamentale et ses applications en réponse aux défis sociétaux (santé, nutrition, énergie, environnement). Ils incluent systématiquement la synthèse de molécules naturelles et d’analogues, la catalyse, l’étude de nouvelles réactions chimiques et de nouvelles approches technologiques, l’étude de nouveaux modes d’interactions à l’échelle moléculaire et supramoléculaire, l’application de la chimie organique à la biologie, au développement de nouveaux matériaux et à l’énergie. Le concept de développement durable est également une constante des travaux qui sont présentés. En parallèle de ces échanges scientifiques intenses, un temps significatif est réservé à des activités extérieures permettant d'établir des contacts, souvent à l’origine de futures collaborations entre les participant(e)s.


Regio Symposium 2025

 Date | august 2025

 Location | yet to be announced

 Website | https://regiosymposium.unistra.fr


The REGIO symposium is an organic and bioorganic chemistry symposium organized annually since 1981, jointly by the Universities of Basel (Switzerland), Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), the Université de Haute-Alsace and the Université de Strasbourg (France). This symposium is a unique opportunity for the chemistry departments of these four universities to meet and is aimed in particular at doctoral students and permanent staff of the university institutes, as well as researchers from REGIO area chemical companies working in the field of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. Each REGIO symposium features four speakers, three of whom present two lectures. This unusual format is particularly stimulating, as it allows for thematic diversity and the creativity of the speakers. The fourth speaker is chosen for his international reputation as a chemist and the relevance of his work throughout his career. This "perspective" lecture is always very lively and particularly enriching for the youngest participants. We are also planning to feature three talented young academics (one from each country), as well as a talk by an industrial colleague from the upper Rhine region.

Funded events

Please find below all the previous events that were financially sponsored by the ITI HiFunMat.


  • 8th annual conference of the French Society for Nanomedicine: Here
  • USIAS mini-symposium Strasbourg-Japan: Here & Here
  • Ecole thématique GDR BI
  • Soft matter meeting: Here & Here
Faculté de physique & ingénierie
Faculté de chimie
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