One of our key ambitions is to ensure equality and parity in our consortium for all our students and members. We want to raise awareness on this topic and improve the quality of professional life. We aim to reach this goal through several actions:
- We are attentive to gender equality in the selection of Master and Ph.D. students
- We are attentive to gender equality in the awarding of finances during our call for projects
- We attentive to gender equality in our committees
- We attentive to gender equality when inviting researchers, professors, external referees, etc.
- The Egal'ITI committee actions (e.g. actively help women to promote their research, women's breakfast, ... )
- We are in close contact with the Mission égalité-parité-diversité of the University of Strasbourg and the Délégation Alsace Equality Referent Network (RREGAL) of CNRS (more information here)
If you encounter any problems or difuculties, or if you have detected a case of inequality or discrimination, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can find more information on what can be done against gender inequality and discrimination on the websites of the University of Strasbourg and the University Haute Alsace:
- Mission égalité-parité-diversité of the University of Strasbourg (Isabelle Kraus)
- Egalité - diversité of the University Haute Alsace (Abdenacer Makhlouf)
- Mission pour la Place Des Femmes of the CNRS