2025 HiFunMat Summer School: Fonctional Materials & Processes for Energy and Sustainable Development
Securing the world's energy supply from renewable sources is one of the major challenges of our generation, in the face of depleting resources, growing energy consumption and climate change. Research into energy-related materials and processes is therefore a priority for the scientific community.
The ‘Functional Materials and Processes for Energy and Sustainable Development’ summer school offers an overview of the most relevant areas in energy production and storage, with a focus on green and sustainable processes.
The research areas that will be covered include the latest advances in solar energy conversion technologies; fuel cells and the hydrogen vector; electrochemical storage; thermoelectric materials; biomass conversion and bioenergy; catalytic materials for energy. The school will also cover the contribution of major families of materials as well as advanced characterisation techniques.
The program is completed by workshops on proposal writing and open science, poster sessions and a gala dinner.
For more information, visit the webpage of the 2025 summerschool