Summer School 2024 Materials for the Environment and the Society


The third ITI HiFunMat summer school is dedicated to the transdisciplinary theme 'the environment'.

Preservation of the environment is crucial, as it is becoming increasingly clear that it determines the future of our societies and survival on Earth. Entitled "Materials for the Environment and the Society", the 2024 summer school will offer an overview of developments in research on this theme. From analysis systems for measuring water and air pollution to ecological restoration, hydrogeological studies, chemical, physico-chemical, photochemical and biological methods of depollution, recycling and recovery of pollutants, materials are omnipresent, at different scales.

The programme, spread over 3 and a half days, has been designed to reflect the diversity of techniques developed by scientists to analyse, preserve and repair the environment and eco-systems, and to understand the degree of mastery, progress and scope of these different techniques. It includes an introductory day aimed at anchoring these technical developments in a broader societal reflection on sustainable development. This day will cover the sociological, economic and legal aspects, as well as the concepts of the circular economy and eco-design, in order to explain the challenges and levers for innovation.



 1 - 4 July 2024

 Collège Doctorale Européen (CDE)

46 Boulevard de la Victoire

67 000 Strasbourg, France



The ITI HiFunMat Summer School 2024 consists of:

  • 5 seminars on philosophical, sociological, economic and legal aspects of environmental innovations and challenges
  • 12 scientific courses / seminars on research advances in materials for the environment
  • 1 closing conference on the path towards sobriety an carbon neutrality
  • 3 workshops on interdisciplinarity applied to environmental challenges
  • 1 general public seminar on what being a scientist means (download the summary here)
  • 1 gala dinner
  • Coffee, lunch and poster networking sessions


 Monday 01 JulyTuesday 02 JulyWednesday 03 JulyThursday 04 July
 Socio-Economical Aspects of the EnvironmentEnvironmental Analysis and RemediationRecycling and recoveryHealing the Environment
08h30RegistrationDaily sign-in participants
08h30Welcome & Introduction

Julien Delord | Unistra

Opening conference From sustainable development towards sustainable ecological transitions

Adrien Wanko | ICUBE

Ecological engineering for urban waters sustainable management / Case studies in Strasbourg

Luc Averous | ICPEES

Biobased Polymers for a greener future

Isabelle Combroux | LIVE

Ecological restoration: better equipment for better practices

Marie-Pierre Camproux Duffrene | SAGE

Droit et transition écologique 

Bénédicte Lebeau & Laurence Gondet |  IS2M & IPHC

Urban pollution - Phytopol : a citizen science project to study the impact of urban pollution on plants

Barbara Ernst | IPHC

Valorisation énergétique de la biomasse

Nadège Blond | LIVE

Transformation des territoires : vers la sobriété et la neutralité carbone

11h00Coffee break / Poster session

Anne Rozan | ENGEES

Economie comportementale : comment impulser le changement ?

Gwenael Imfeld | ITES & FERED

Transformation, impacts and
remediation: the challenges of micropollutants in soil and water

Alessandra Quadrelli | IRCELYON

CO2 chemistry for climate. A transition, really?
Student synthesis on the interactive workshops
12h30Lunch Break / Poster session 


Circularity & challenges of eco-design

Gaetana Quaranta | IPHC

How to apply Life cycle analysis in an anthropized watershed: engineered TiO2 Nps in the Thur valley

Maria Boltoeva | IPHC

Strategic heavy metals recovery


Arthur Laporte | APESA Toulouse

Life cycle analysis

Charlotte Pham| SICAT SAS

Air pollution control: capture of fine particles

Stéphane Le Calvé | ICPEES

Indoor air quality

15h30Coffee break / Poster session
16h00Interdisciplinary workshop

Angélique Simon-Masseron & Jocelyn Brendlé | IS2M Mulhouse

Materials for air and water remediation: zeolites & clays

Interdisciplinary workshop

Jérôme SANTOLINI | CEA Saclay, FR

Confernce open to the large public

 Etre scientifique aujourd’hui / Being a scientist today
Interdisciplinary workshop 
20h00 Gala dinner

Poster session

All students are welcome to present a poster, regardless of whether they work on a topic related to the summer school theme or not.

Poster presentations are mandatory for HiFunMat M.Sc and Ph.D. students


  • To introduce students to the diversity, mastery, progress and scope of techniques developed by scientists to analyse, preserve and repair the environment and eco-systems
  • To bring about a broader societal reflection on sustainable development
  • To give young researchers networking possibilities, to enable them to integrate into the scientific community.
  • To bring young researchers from different research fields (e.g. physics, physical chemistry, chemistry, material engineering, and biology) in contact with each other, to learn to work as a team on multidisciplinary projects and to collaborate.


Registrations are closed


This summer school is open to all students and researchers interested in the transversal, multi-disciplinary field of environment and sustainable development.

Registration is mandatory, but FREE for all Unistra- and UHA-affiliated students, Bachelors, Masters, PhDs.

Registered participants are expected to stay for the duration of the entire program.


Registration fees & deadlines for non-Unistra/UHA students:

Early-bird100 €17/05/2024


Validation of the Summer school

At the end of the summer school all participants that have been present for the duration of the whole program, and have actively participated in the seminars, discussions, and exercises, will receive a certificate of successful participation. This certificate could help students to validate ECTS or hours for the doctorate school of their home university. Unistra and UHA students enrolled in ED 222 can validate 11 hours of scientific training in their discipline, students enrolled in ED 269 and ED182 can validate 9 hours of scientific training.


The summer school is organized by the interdisciplinary thematic Institute of Hierarchical and Functional Materials, which gathers a Master-Doctorate training program and a cluster of excellence, and is dedicated to the development of advanced composite materials with appealing and outstanding properties for health, environment, and energy applications. The Master-Doctorate program trains young researchers in the multidisciplinary domain of Material Science. The focus on th theme 'green medicines' as an example of eco-design is developed in partnership with ITI InnoVec (Innovating vectorisation of biomolecules).

The summer school is supported by the University of Strasbourg Initiative of Excellence, and partner institutions (Institut Charles Sadron, Institut de Science de Matériaux de Mulhouse, Institute for Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health, Hubert Curien Multi-disciplinary Institute). Their support underlines the formidable links between ITI HiFunMat and its partners, the strong collaborations, and the strength of the alsacian site in Material science.


Scientific organization:
  • Valérie Caps
  • Quentin Raffy
  • Emmanuel Oheix


Participating Institutions and sponsors:


Faculté de physique & ingénierie
Faculté de chimie
Carnot MICA