The ITI HiFunMat consortium
ITI HiFunMat counts 257 members from 9 research units situated on the campus of Cronenbourg (Strasbourg), the medicine and pharmacy campuses (Strasbourg) and the campus of Mulhouse. Half of our members come from the IS2M and ICS, which are our largest laboratories. Researchers of all different posts are represented in the consortium. Most members are teacher-researchers (enseignant-chercheur) or researchers (48% and 32% respectively). However, ITI HiFunMat also includes engineers (ingénieurs d'études, ingénieurs de recherche, assistant d'ingénieurs) and technical staff (19%).
ITI HiFunMat is associated with 3 principal Master programs (Material Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Physics) from 3 faculties and 2 engineering schools. It is also supported by 3 doctorate schools in Strasbourg. From these Master and doctoral programs, we select each year 10 M1, 13 M2 and around a dozen Ph.D. students to train in materials science and to deliver the HiFunMat diploma supplement.