Global Woman Breakfast 2025
Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute HiFunMat, which gathers a Master-Doctorate training program and a cluster of excellence dedicated to the development of advanced materials.
The graduate school HiFunMat mission is to offer a high-level research training, master-doctorate courses, to students interested in health and sustainable development.
We aim to respond to the strong demand in the industry for people with a solid background in materials science.
Associated to Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry and Physics Master programs, we offer a diploma supplement with an adapted and interdisciplinary training to understand all the dimensions of innovation and valorization.
We support top students by offering a Master scholarship (€600.- per month).
Based on internationally renowned research in material science, chemistry, physics and biology, ITI HiFunMat aims at developing new composite materials with appealing and outstanding properties for health, environment and energy applications.
In response to societal challenges, the researchers, engineers and technical staff combine their fundamental knowledge to design building blocks to assemble them in a spatially controlled manner using innovative strategies, such as 3D printing, microfluidic, foam, and multi-step protocols. Our ultimate goal is to conceive “active materials”, exhibiting features analogous to the biological systems.