ITI HiFunMat - Hierarchical & Functional Materials for health, environment & energy - University of Strasbourg en ITI HiFunMat - Hierarchical & Functional Materials for health, environment & energy - University of Strasbourg Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:58:32 +0100 Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:58:32 +0100 TYPO3 EXT:news news-16457 Wed, 16 Apr 2025 09:00:00 +0200 HiFunMat 2025 annual conference /news/news/hifunmat-2025-annual-conference Save the date 2025 HiFunMat annual conference


 Date | 16 April 2025

 Location | IS2M, Mulhouse


Save the date for our 2025 annual HiFunMat conference.

This day aims to give us a privileged opportunity to meet each other and share our latest results and ongoing projects, and to discover the variety of research issues developed in HiFunMat. Furthermore, this event is the ideal opportunity to create new links or strengthen existing ones, so that new collaborations and innovative ideas can emerge. The program aims to display the large range of research topics studied in HiFunMat, and covers the three themes targeted by HiFunMat: Materials for energy, health and environment.


Registration is free, but mandatory. More information on registration and abstract submission will follow soon.

Actualités Agenda
news-16455 Tue, 11 Feb 2025 08:30:00 +0100 Global Woman Breakfast 2025 /news/news/global-woman-breakfast-2025 #GWB25 Global Woman Breakfast 2025

 Date | February 11th, 2025

 Location | CRBS, 1 Rue Eugène Boeckel, 67000 Strasbourg

 IUPAC website |

 Inscription |


The annual global woman breakfast, organized by the Egal'ITI committee will take place at CRBS in Strasbourg.


8:30 AM: Breakfast in the CRBS lobby

  • Quiz & Portraits – Open to all

9:15–10:05 AM: Presentations

  • Opening Remarks: Philippe Lavalle (Director of UMR_S1121)
  • Introduction to Egal’ITI & GWB IUPAC: Karine Mougin (Egal’ITI Coordinator)
  • Equality Initiatives at UMR_S1121: Cendrine Seguin (UMR_S1121 Equality Referent)
  • INSERM Est Initiatives: Salima Chekatt (INSERM Est Equality Representative)
  • Presentation of Unistra initiatives: Isabelle Kraus (Unistra Equality Representant)
  • Overview of the CNRS QVCT Training Program: Valérie Caps (CNRS Alsace Equality Representative)

10:05–10:45 AM: Featuring Session

  • “Feminization of Medicine: A Solution More Than a Problem”
    Presented by Serge Covaci (Chief Resident, Department of General Medicine)

10:45 AM–12:00 PM: Round Table Discussion

  • Moderated by Jennifer Rodon Fores
Actualités Agenda
news-16453 Fri, 24 Jan 2025 09:30:00 +0100 ITI HiFunMat PhD Day 2025 /news/news/iti-hifunmat-phd-day-2025 Journée des doctorants en partenariat avec les acteurs de l'innovation sur l'art du pitch. PhD day 2025

 Date | 24 janvier 2025

 Location | Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg

 Mandatory subscription by December 10, 2024 | Registration link


La journée annuelle de nos doctorants aura lieu cette année sur le thème du pitch avec les acteurs de l'innovation de la région.

Actualités Agenda
news-16452 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:00:00 +0100 Kick-Off meeting ITI HiFunMat /news/news/kick-off-meeting-iti-hifunmat HiFunMat event Kick-off meeting ITI HiFunMat

 Date | 20 janvier 2025

 Location | Institut Charles Sadron

 Inscription |


Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre Kick-Off Meeting pour célébrer le renouvellement de l’Institut Thématique Interdisciplinaire HiFunMat pour une nouvelle période de 4 ans !

Cet événement marquera le lancement d'une nouvelle phase prometteuse de notre institut, riche en défis et en collaborations scientifiques passionnantes.

Ce Kick-Off sera l'occasion de revenir sur les succès de ces dernières années, de découvrir les axes de recherche à venir et de partager nos ambitions pour l'avenir. Un moment d'échanges, d’inspiration et de convivialité pour tous les acteurs de HiFunMat.

Nous vous attendons nombreux pour célébrer ensemble ce moment clé !

Actualités Agenda Focus
news-16451 Fri, 25 Oct 2024 10:00:00 +0200 Organic Electronics from St. Andrews University, UK /news/news/organic-electronics-from-st-andrews-university-uk HiFunMat sponsored event Organic Electronics from St. Andrews University, UK

 Date | 25 October 2025

 Location | IPCMS

 Website |

news-15153 Sun, 27 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0200 ELECMOL /news/news/elecmol Following the success of the previous editions, we are pleased to announce the 11h International Conference on Molecular Electronics (ElecMol) which will be held at Faculté de Chimie of the Université de Strasbourg from the 27th of August to the 1st of September 2023. The main purpose of the conference is an up-to-date scientific exchange on recent advances in the field of molecular electronics, gathering researchers from all over the world around top-level invited speakers. This reunion is also an opportunity for the development of national and international collaborations between academic and private partners at the highest level. The conference will focus on recent advances in molecular and organic electronics in the fields of:

T1 – Single Molecule Junctions, Memories & Switches

T2 – Large Area Junctions, Memories & Switches

T3 – Organic Electronics, Optoelectronics & Photonics: Materials & Devices

T4 – 2D materials, Nanotubes & Nanowires

T5 – Self-Assembly & Supramolecular Architectures

T6 – Scanning Probe Microscopies & Near Field Approaches

T7 – Molecular Theoretical Modelling

T8 – Bioinspired Approaches & Biomimetic Devices

news-14961 Mon, 15 May 2023 08:47:00 +0200 CP2P’2023 /news/news/cp2p2023 The conference CP2P’23 will bring together senior scientists and young researchers from France, Switzerland and Germany to meet and exchange, in a friendly atmosphere in the field of photo physic and photochemistry. The conference CP2P’23 will bring together senior scientists and young researchers from France, Switzerland and Germany to meet and exchange, in a friendly atmosphere, on the following topics:

Computational Photo-chemistry

• Fundamental Photosciences (e.g. chirality, ultra fast processes, mechanisms & concepts)

• Light-Energy Conversion & Photo-catalysis

• Photo-chemistry at the Nanoscale (Single molecule, etc.)

• New spectroscopic tools & techniques

• Photo-polymerisation, New functional materials for photochemical applications

The program will be composed of plenary lectures, invited lectures, oral contributions by and posters.

Actualités Agenda
news-14959 Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0200 XXIV édition du Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale /news/news/xxiv-edition-du-forum-des-microscopies-a-sonde-locale Le Forum a vocation à réunir annuellement les utilisateurs de tout horizon (biologistes, chimistes, physiciens, ingénieurs, ...) autour des microscopies à sonde locale (AFM, STM, SNOM) et d’être un lieu d’échanges entre experts et novices avec une forte participation des doctorants. Les sociétés commercialisant des produits dans le domaine des microscopies à sonde locale seront invitées à venir présenter les nouveautés et à interagir avec les utilisateurs, à travers de nombreux stands. Cette année, l’accent sera mis sur les modes de fonctionnement de la microscopie à force atomique et des différentes techniques associées, avec quelques cours théoriques suivis d’exposés thématiques en rapport avec le cours, ainsi que des travaux pratiques. Website :

Le 24ème Forum des microscopies à sonde locale aura lieu du 3 au 7 avril 2023 au pied du Mont St Odile, à Obernai, un village alsacien typique avec ses maisons à colombages et sa tradition viticole, à une trentaine de kilomètres de Strasbourg.

Actualités Agenda
news-15144 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 10:30:00 +0200 Franchir le cap de l’expertise pour élaborer un projet à impact /news/news/franchir-le-cap-de-lexpertise-pour-elaborer-un-projet-a-impact Valoritech propose de vous faire découvrir quelques méthodologies et outils pour vous permettre d'élaborer votre projet scientifique sur le long terme.

Développer des outils pour générer des données utiles à votre recherche, concevoir des solutions technologiques, trouver du financement, voire viser un transfert de technologie… Toutes ces questions tournent autour d’un même sujet: Comment transformer vos savoirs et savoir-faire de chercheur académique en outils et solutions concrètes?

Au travers des témoignages de chercheurs accompagnés grâce à la méthodologie Valoritech, nous montrerons les liens qui devraient exister de tous temps au sein d’un projet pérenne et équilibré entre recherche, partenariat, solutions, outils et livrables. Et comment cela prend sa source dans une combinaison unique de qualités, compétences, connaissances, valeurs et méthodes: la vôtre.

Nous montrerons également un modèle de structuration de projet, temporelle et hiérarchisée. Structure permettant le séquençage en étapes stratégiques, pour garder une vision globale mais viser des objectifs intermédiaires pleins de sens.

news-14979 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:06:00 +0100 ED 182 PHD Day /news/news/ed-182-phd-day The DC 182 of Physics and Physical Chemistry is a pluridisciplinary doctoral college which stretches out over 8 institutes in Alsace and which includes a large panel of scientific areas – from molecular chemistry to particle physics, including optics, material sciences… and much more! The PhD student’s congress aims to gather the PhD student from DC 182 to meet up and to discover the different research areas present there.

Actualités Agenda
news-14978 Thu, 09 Feb 2023 16:02:00 +0100 Symposium on polymer and Soft Matter physics /news/news/symposium-on-polymer-and-soft-matter-physics Albert Johner is a CNRS Director of Research (Emeritus) and a theoretical soft matter physicist. Throughout his career he worked, often in close collaboration with experiment and simulation, on a broad range of topics. These topics involve polymers at interfaces, electrically charged soft matter systems, topological constraints in passive and active polymer systems, or semiflexible polymers and biofilaments. Not only through the numerous scientific contributions, but also by attracting distinguished scientists to the Institut Charles Sadron, Albert Johner played a preeminent role in maintaining and developing the “Theory and Simulation of Polymer” group at the institute. We organize this workshop as a tribute to Albert. Actualités Agenda news-14989 Fri, 03 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0100 Thematical Workshop: Focus on scientific platforms for innovative research projects /news/news/thematical-workshop-focus-on-scientific-platforms-for-innovative-research-projects Advanced and innovative analytical tools are cornerstones of the development of cutting-edge research. In particular, interdisciplinary research in the field of material science, combining chemistry, physics, and biology requires the use of dedicated and often in-home modified analytical equipment. The HiFunMat seminar is organized in order to disseminate innovative research projects, conducted within our network, strongly related to and based on the diverse analytical equipment available. The aim of this scientific meeting is also to encourage further collaborations and inspire new research axes strongly relying on the analytic platforms and the expertise of technicians, engineers and researchers.

Zoom for the online version :




9:10 - 9:50

Philippe Kunemann (IS2M)

9:50 - 10:30

Quentin Raffy (IPHC)

10h30 - 10:45

Practicals - Presentations

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:40

Morgane Rabineau(INSERM)

11:40 - 12:20

Vasiliki Papaefthymiou(ICPEES)

12:20 -

Practicals- Presentations

Actualités Agenda
news-14957 Wed, 01 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0100 PhotOnline’2023 /news/news/photonline2023 PhotOnline is a free virtual conference organized by and for young researchers of the SP2P (Photochemistry, Photophysics, and Photosciences) division from the French Chemistry Society (SCF).  PhotOnline is a free virtual conference organized by and for young researchers of the SP2P (Photochemistry, Photophysics, and Photosciences) division from the French Chemistry Society (SCF). This meeting creates an opportunity for young researchers, such as Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers, to foster interdisciplinary conversations and further collaboration within the community to present their scientific findings (experimental and theoretical) on the photoinduced processes. This second edition of the PhotOnline 2023 conference is open to International speakers with vast knowledge of the frameworks of SP2P such as chemical synthesis and transformation, fluorescent sensors, and electron and energy transfer, often studied by advanced spectroscopy and simulation tools.

More details : 

Actualités Agenda
news-14977 Fri, 20 Jan 2023 14:00:00 +0100 Didactic seminar: Rheology, calorimetry and microstructure of micellar copolymer systems with colloidal nanoparticles /news/news/didactic-seminar-rheology-calorimetry-and-microstructure-of-micellar-copolymer-systems-with-colloidal-nanoparticles Mixed “micellar copolymer-nanoparticle” solutions are of great interest mainly because the improvements in properties could be obtained at low volume fractions of polymers or nanoparticles. Concentrated micellar solutions exhibit a temperature-induced fluid-to-crystal phase transition. The addition of nanoparticles triggers the formation of polycrystallized micellar micrograins, above the transition temperature, instead of a cubic monocrystal. This transition is associated with the segregation of nanoparticles, which act as impurities, in the interstices between the grains. The purpose of this presentation is to give an overview of the role played by each component. We will describe the thermo-rheological properties of the solutions studied, depending on the concentration of copolymer and nanoparticles. The viscoelastic behavior and its temperature dependence will be discussed. The rheological properties will be discussed in light of additional information obtained from differential calorimetry and structural studies performed on these systems. Actualités Agenda news-14911 Mon, 05 Dec 2022 10:00:00 +0100 HiFunMat seminar - Lithographic and Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Functional Nanophotonics /news/news/hifunmat-seminar-lithographic-and-self-assembled-nanostructures-for-functional-nanophotonics Lithographic and Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Functional Nanophotonics

Dr. Tomas Tamulevicius 
University of Technology, Lithuania

05/12/2022 10h 
IS2M amphitheater and videoconference

Actualités Agenda
news-14541 Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:30:00 +0200 HiFunMat seminar - The past, present, and prospects of organic optoelectronics /news/news/hifunmat-seminar-the-past-present-and-prospects-of-organic-optoelectronics The past, present, and prospects of organic optoelectronics

Prof. Chihaya Adachi
IPCMS, Strasbourg

 26/09/2022, 14h30
 l'auditorium de l'IPCMS


Through the extensive R&D of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) for more than 30 years, plenty of well-elaborated novel organic optoelectronic materials and device architectures have been extensively developed, resulting in the unique commercial utilization of OLEDs for cutting-edge smartphones, large-area TVs, and further new future display applications by taking advantage of light-weight and flexibility.

From the aspect of materials science, the creation of novel light-emitting materials in OLEDs has been the central issue aimed at high electroluminescence quantum efficiency (EQE). Starting from the development of conventional fluorescence materials (1st generation) during 1990-2000th, the room-temperature phosphorescence (2000-) (2nd generation) and thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) (2012-) (3rd generation) continuously pioneered the novel possibilities of organic emitters, resulted in not only high-performance OLEDs but also enriched organic photochemistry. Recently, there have been a wide variety of studies on TADF-OLEDs because of the unlimited possibilities of TADF molecular design. Further, hyperfluorescence (HP)-OLEDs have been developed since they can realize the compatibility of high efficiency and narrow spectral width, which is ideal for practical display applications.

Here we report our recent cutting-edge HP-OLEDs demonstrating high OLED performance by optimizing host, TADF, and terminal emitter (TE) molecules1-3). In particular, we focus on the blue-emission, which can show narrow FWHM and high EL quantum yield. Blue HP-OLEDs based on two new TEs are fabricated, resulting in high external quantum efficiency (EQE) of over 20%, high color purity, and high brightness. By analyzing the transient PL characteristics of the HP-OLEDs, we found the presence of efficient FRET between TADF-assistant dopant (TADF-AD) and TE molecules. Further, transient EL analysis confirmed that a smaller EHOMO difference between TADF-AD and TE efficiently helps to decrease hole trapping inside the emitting layer, hence resulting in a lower efficiency rolloff and a longer operational device lifetime. This report provides a designing principle for a TADF and TE in HP-OLEDs with well-matched energy levels, leading to efficient FRET and no significant carrier trapping.

In his talk, Adachi will mention the importance of the charge transfer (CT) phenomenon in designing high-performance organic luminescent molecules in OLEDs. Also, CT issues play a crucial role in maximizing the device's operation. Further, he will outlook the prospect of advanced CT technologies.



[1] C-Y. Chan et al., Nature Photonics, 15, 203 – 207 (2021).

[2] Y-T. Lee et al., Advanced Electronic Materials, 7, 4, 2001090 (2021).

[3] M. Tanaka et al., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 45, 50668 – 50674 (2020).

Actualités Agenda
news-14523 Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:00:00 +0200 Strasbourg-Japan USIAS symposium on Condensed Conjugation /news/news/strasbourg-japan-usias-symposium-on-condensed-conjugation You are cordially invited to the collaborative Strasbourg-Japan USIAS symposium on Condensed Conjugation, organised by Amparo Ruiz-Carretero. The symposium, funded by USIAS, ITI HiFunMat and Institute Charles Sadron, is free of cost (includes coffee and lunch breaks), but registration is required (deadline on August 29th). Please download the program for all details.


  12 and 13 September 2022

 Institute Charles Sadron (ICS) on 12/09/'22 and Institut de Science et d'Ingenierie Supramoleculaires (ISIS) on 13/09/'22

 Website :

 Registration :


Registration deadline : 29 August

Actualités Agenda
news-14460 Wed, 13 Jul 2022 17:00:00 +0200 Achieving the energy transition /news/news/achieving-the-energy-transition By Benoit Lebot Achieving the Energy Transition


 By: Benoit Lebot

 Public: everyone

 13 juillet 2022, 5 to 7 pm

 CDE Strasbourg


Benoit Lebot, founding member of the Negawatt Association and member of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, will present their approach to tackling energy and climate challenges while leading to a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient society in France. He will explain the complex and sometimes confusing issues of the links between economic development and environmental degradation. A special focus will be given to the materials needed to achieve the energy transition.


The ecological transition has become everyone's business and is now at the heart of corporate social and environmental responsibility. Everyone is thus invited to come to the conference!


Actualités Agenda
news-14228 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 10:00:00 +0200 Curiosity - A french German Young Chemists Conference /news/news/curiosity-a-french-german-young-chemists-conferenc The "Young Chemists of Upper Rhine” first joint conference. Five regional networks of young chemists, the French Chemical Society (RJ-SCF) in Alsace, and the Young Chemists Forum (JCF) of German Chemical Society (GDCh) in Freiburg, in Karlsruhe, in Saarbrücken and in Kaiserslautern, have formed a partnership : “Young Chemists of Upper Rhine”

'Curiosity' is their first joint conference.


 30 June - 1 July 2022

 Mulhouse, France

 Website :


Abstract submission deadline : end of March

Registration deadline : 15/05/2022


The goal of the conference is to provide networking opportunities for young chemists and to promote the chemistry research carried out on both sides of the Upper Rhine river banks in France and in Germany. 

The conference will have three main objectives:

  • Highlight the research of chemistry students and young scientists of Upper Rhine;
  • Promote scientific exchange across disciplines;
  • Integrate younger researchers in an international network to open up opportunities of cross-border collaborations and exchange programs.

YCUR will give the opportunity to young chemists, under 35y, to present their work in the form of a 15-minute presentation or in the form of a poster or flash presentation (5 minutes). We expect that the networking opportunities provided by the event will facilitate new collaborations and acquaintances that benefit both French and German researchers as well as their research.

The plenary talks will be given by Pr. Jean-François Carpentier, Pr. Dr. Ingo Krossing, Dr. Alexander Hinz and Dr. Joanna Wencel-Delord.

news-14292 Thu, 02 Jun 2022 09:00:00 +0200 Strasbourg Soft Matter Meeting 2022 /news/news/strasbourg-soft-matter-meeting-2022 Strasbourg Soft Matter Meeting 2022

 2-3 June 2022

 Esplande Campus, Strasbourg

 Registration deadline : 30 April 2022

 Public : Master students, PhDs, Postdocs and others


For more information and to register visit the Soft Matter Meeting website


This meeting aims at bringing together students (master, PhD) and researchers working in the broad field of Soft Matter (polymers, biophysics, complex fluids, active matter, colloids, wetting, microfluidics, membranes, out of equilibrium phenomena) to present their activities. Do not miss this opportunity to have stimulating discussions and create future collaborations between different groups and laboratories in the Grand Est region and beyond.

You can discover last year meeting here.



Juliane Simmchen (TU Dresden) : Active matter mimicking biological behaviours

Giulio Ragazzon (ISIS, Strasbourg) : Non-equilibrium chemical reaction networks

Christophe Chassenieux (ICS, Strasbourg) : Hydrogels obtained by hydrophilic block copolymer self-assembly

Hong Xu (LCP–A2MC, Université de Lorraine) : Simulation of model binary mixtures: viscosity, viscoelasticity and effects of scalar activity

Nacho Molina (IGBMC, Strasbourg)



  • Two prizes of 100 euros will be awarded by our sponsor Soft Matter (RSC).
  • Two additional prizes: Springer book vouchers of 150 euros will be awarded by our sponsor European Physical Journal E.
news-9939 Thu, 21 Apr 2022 09:00:00 +0200 HiFunMat conference /news/news/evenement-2-healthtech-1 ITI HiFunMat Conference

 21 April 2022, 9am - 6pm

 ECPM, Amphitheater Forestier, Campus Cronenbourg, Strasbourg

 Registration deadline: 07 Mars 2022


You are invited to the first HiFunMat conference! This day aims to give us a privileged opportunity to meet each other and share our latest results and ongoing projects, and to discover the variety of research issues developed in HiFunMat. Furthermore, this event is the ideal opportunity to create new links or strengthen existing ones, and to establish collaborations that can be supported by the ITI. The program aims to display the large range of research topics studied in HiFunMat, and covers the three themes targeted by HiFunMat: Materials for energy, health and environment.


Find more information on the webpage of the conference


You can also direclty download the program

news-10559 Fri, 01 Apr 2022 14:00:00 +0200 HiFunMat seminar - Heterogeneous photocatalysis for solar fuels and depollution: the challenges and obstacles to overcome /news/news/hifunmat-seminar-heterogeneous-photocatalysis-for-solar-fuels-and-depollution-the-challenges-and-obstacles-to-overcome Heterogeneous photocatalysis for solar fuels and depollution: the challenges and obstacles to overcome - Valérie Keller Heterogeneous photocatalysis for solar fuels and depollution: the challenges and obstacles to overcome

Dr Valérie Keller
ICPEES, Strasbourg

 28/01/2022, 14h00
 IS2M amphitheater and via visioconference
 Link :

news-10508 Tue, 15 Mar 2022 10:30:00 +0100 HiFunMat seminar - Three-dimensional printing to prototype bioinspired architectured materials /news/news/hifunmat-seminar-three-dimensional-printing-to-prototype-bioinspired-architectured-materials Three-dimensional printing to prototype bioinspired architectured materials - Davide Ruffoni Three-dimensional printing to prototype bioinspired architectured materials

Davide Ruffoni

Liège Université - Mécanique des matériaux biologiques et bioinspirés


 15/03/2022, 10h30
 ICS : amphitheater Henri Benoit
 Zoom :

Meeting ID : 932 1311 4040

Code : HWBXT9



The tremendously rapid development of additive manufacturing technologies is enabling the fabrication of a new class of advanced materials, referred to as architectured materials. In contrast to monolithic materials, architectured materials have well defined internal structures at length scales which are smaller than the overall macroscopic component, but which are much larger than the length scales traditionally associated with the microstructure (e.g. grain size, lattice constant or polymer chains). Typically, architectured materials feature a controlled internal architecture ranging from 100 µm to 100 mm, therefore bridging the gap between microstructure and component size. The design of new architectured materials can profit from the strategies followed by nature in load-bearing biological materials.

This is the context of our work, where we are focusing on introducing nature’s design principles into synthetic architectured materials using inkjet multimaterial 3D printing, with the final goal to prototype next generation materials with enhanced mechanical efficiency and multifunctionality. Architectured material contains numerous internal interfaces and we have first turned our attention on the characterization of interfaces formed during inkjet printing. In short, this fabrication method is based on the controlled deposition and curing of micrometer-sized photopolymer droplets. By combining different experimental methods we have characterized the properties and the role of internal interfaces in 3D printed multimaterial composites [1]. Ongoing work is aimed at improving the mechanical behavior and failure resistance of bimaterial attachments, based on minimal interface patterning and inspired by the insertion of the soft tendon into the much stiffer bone.

Multimaterial 3D printing has a huge potential for cost-effective manufacturing of high performance composites, with soft and stiff building blocks combined in a countless variety of arrangements and linked through interfaces. Inspired by the multilayer tube-like structure of the wood cell, we have prototyped architectured materials having stiff polymeric helix-reinforcements embedded into softer rubbery matrix. By controlling the fiber winding angle and matrix compliance, we could program the mechanical response of our structures in terms of stiffness and energy absorption. We also demonstrated that adding thin outer and inner reinforcing layers to the main helicoidal structure, with small fibrous elements oriented perpendicular to the applied load as seen in the wood cell, could lead to a huge amplification of failure strength and energy absorption of the wood-inspired structures [2]. Our work has highlighted the possibility to use 3D printing in combination with computer simulations and experimental testing to design and prototype novel synthetic materials featuring design principles of biological materials, which are replicated at higher length scales and using completely different building blocks.


[1] Zorzetto et al., Sci Rep 2020; 10.

[2] Zorzetto and Ruffoni, Adv Funct Mater 2019; 29.


news-10705 Thu, 10 Mar 2022 10:00:00 +0100 Europe in transition /news/news/europe-in-transition Europe in transition : Challenges for research and education Europe in transition : Challenges for research and education
A conference held under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union


 10/03/2022, 10h00-15h15

 Grand Est Region building, 1 Place Adrien Zeller, Strasbourg & Videoconference

 Free inscription (dealine in person format 04/03/2022 & digital format 07/03/2022)  :

 download the program here



Beyond disciplinary research and education questions, is it possible to raise more systemic horizontal concerns, regarding the major transitions: climate, ecology, energy, food and heath? Over the last decade, crises are increasingly frequent and have a tendency to pile up. They affect the way of life, the way of consumption, the way of production. Such periods of tension provide information on the significant damages caused by the different types of climatic disturbances, such as social or health crises, or the loss of biodiversity and also reveal the high level of the interdependencies underlying the current ways of life. Enough observations, data and tools are now available to understand and model the impact of these global changes on the environment, health, biodiversity and society. In the European context, the Green Deal aims at making Europe the first carbon-neutral continent; this policy aims to preserve biodiversity, reduce pollution, and promote a clean and circular economy, while making this green transition a factor of economic growth, by ensuring a fair transition. The European legislative package «Fit for 55» will establish the mechanisms for fitting to the new European ambitions in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (a 55% at the horizon 2030, cut-off compared to 1990 level, to reach carbon neutrality in 2050), thus requiring an acceleration of the energy, environmental, sanitary and digital transitions, the implementation of carbon sinks, and probably major systemic disruptions. Progresses in disciplinary research and innovation are able to provide many solutions. On the other hand, whereas the problems are largely systemic, the approaches of them are often led in sectoral silos. Innovations must be more and more hybrid, bringing together a broad spectrum of technologies and skills from different disciplines. Working at the interfaces of different scientific fields - life sciences, physical science, digital science, engineering science, human and social science - will contribute to boosting systemic innovations that are necessary to reach a carbon-neutral and resilient society by 2050. Under the aegis of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the five national alliances (gathering the French research organizations and universities under 5 embedding topics: energy, environment, numeric, health, human and social sciences) have produced a positioning document which reflects a common and shared vision of new directions in research, to serve the major transitions, in the emerging academic discipline of sustainability science.

news-10687 Wed, 16 Feb 2022 09:30:00 +0100 IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2022 - Mental health topic /news/news/iupac-global-womens-breakfast-2022 Global Women's Breakfast organized by the IUPAC

 ICS, Online

 16 February 2022

 Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 879 3423 0664
Secret code: 509508

The 11th of February is the UNESCO day to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The main aim of this celebration is to give visibility to the work of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). More specifically, to show female referents for children and young researchers to consider these areas as professional careers. Furthermore, due to the complexity of the issue, each year there are different discussions about the factors affecting the current situation of women in STEM in order to promote practices leading to gender equality in the scientific field.

Svetlana Samokhvalova, PhD student at the ICS, and a team of students, has organized a special event to celebrate this day. The main topic of the event is mental health.  An important subject that affects everyone, and even more in the field of science. The aim is to have as much participation as possible, from both male and female colleagues.

the program:

  • 09:30 - Introductory words, by Quentin Bailleul
  • 09:40 - Mental health in science, by Svetlana Samokhvalova.
  • 10:20 - DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) in academia, by Dr. Mehdi Vahdati
  • 10:50 - Introducing Egal'ITI, by Dr. Laure Biniek
  • 10:55 - Mental health at ICS, by Svetlana Samokhvalova
  • 11:00 - Closing remarks

During the event we will discuss mental health in academia, the mental load, the COVID-19 crises and how it affects scientists and especially women in academia. The DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) principles in science will be discussed as well. We hope to have an open discussion with the audience to what can be changed to improve mental health, and how we can influence it at the Institute level. We will also provide information on mental health professionals that work with the employees and students in the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg.

news-10542 Mon, 31 Jan 2022 14:00:00 +0100 Please connect and join us in welcoming the first promotion of HiFunMat PhD students /news/news/phd-webinar Connect and join us for the PhD Webinar PhD webinar - ITI HiFunMat

 31/01/2022, 14h00


Meeting ID: 984 1215 1271

Secret code: 4bgS04


ITI HiFunMat is pleased to invite you to the "PhD webinar" which will take place on Monday 31 January 2022 at 2pm


We have recruited 19 motivated and competent PhD students to join the ITI HiFunMat Graduate School and obtain the HiFunMat label for their PhD degree.
During the webinar, the PhD students will introduce themselves and present their thesis projects.

You can download here the invitation and program.


Connect and join us!


news-10507 Fri, 17 Dec 2021 14:00:00 +0100 HiFunMat seminar - Plastics: the "Goods", the "Bads" and the Alternatives /news/news/hifunmat-seminar-plastics-the-goods-the-bads-and-the-alternatives Plastics: the "Goods", the "Bads" and the Alternatives - Abraham Chemtob Plastics: the "Goods", the "Bads" and the Alternatives
Abraham Chemtob, Enseignant-Chercheur

Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse
Axe Ingénierie des Polymères Fonctionnels (IPF)
Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA)

 17/12/2021, 14h00
 IS2M : amphitheater Starcky
 Zoom :



Everyone is talking about plastic wastes and their impact on the environment. However, it is important to resist expedient reactions, because if plastics didn't exist today, humans would invent them.
In this presentation, a polymer chemist will trace the history of plastics, and explain their structure, manufacture, and waste treatment. Plastics are a much larger family than they seem, with some "good" and some "bad" plastics whose danger comes from the fact that their global production has grown so fast that it is now unmanageable.
What are the possible solutions to the problems of certain plastics? Energy recovery, "recycling", biosourced plastics and (bio)degradable plastics are the existing and developing solutions. But wouldn't the best solution be to moderate or even regulate the production/consumption of certain plastics, or to replace them with other materials?

news-10493 Tue, 23 Nov 2021 10:30:00 +0100 HiFunMat seminar - Supramolecular Soft Matter Structures for Biomedical Applications /news/news/hifunmat-seminar Supramolecular Soft Matter Structures for Biomedical Applications - Miryam Criado Gonzales Supramolecular Soft Matter Structures for Biomedical Applications

Miryam Criado Gonzales

POLYMAT Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

 23/11/2021, 10h30

 ICS : amphitheater Henri Benoit

 Zoom :

Meeting ID : 910 4497 9572

Code : semi23


Molecular self-assembly plays a key role in the development of tailor-made materials for biomedical applications. In this regard, natural polymers, which possess inherent biocompatibility, biodegradability, and non-toxicity, and more recently peptides, whose biological properties can be tailored by the sequenced defined chemical structure, have gained increasing attention. These two kind of soft materials are able to self-assemble in a controlled manner driven by intermolecular, i.e., van der Waals, hydrogen bonding, and/or hydrophobic intramolecular forces, leading to micro- and nano-structured platforms with different functionalities. Considering that the final biological properties will be highly influenced by the physical-chemical characteristics of the engineered materials, it becomes necessary to stablish a correlation between physics, chemistry, material science, biology, and medicine for the successful biomaterial implementation. Herein the design, fabrication and characterization of different supramolecular soft materials based on natural polymers and peptides will be
presented. Besides, the incorporation of nanoparticles and specific drugs within the polymer/peptide assemblies to tune the final properties of these materials to be employed for drug delivery, magnetic hyperthermia therapies, and tissue engineering applications will also be addressed.

Les personnes souhaitant rencontrer M. Criado Gonzales sont priées de prendre contact avec Fouzia Boulmedais.


news-10494 Wed, 17 Nov 2021 14:00:00 +0100 HiFunMat seminar - Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering using Self- Assembled Structures /news/news/hifunmat-seminar-surface-enhanced-raman-scattering-using-self-assembled-structures Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering using Self-Assembled Structures Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering using Self-Assembled Structures

Dr Asta Tamuleviciene and Dr Domantas Peckus

Université de Kaunas en Lituanie

 17/11/2021, 14h00

 IS2M amphitheater

 Visio :


Raman spectroscopy (RS) is an effective characterization technique for the detection of wide range of analytes due to its potential to provide figure-print spectra of variety of molecules by detecting the inelastic scattering of incident photons. However, the application of this spectroscopy is limited due to very low signal to noise ratio. To overcome this drawback one can use metallic structured surfaces or noble metal nanoparticles that enhances the scattering signal by several orders of magnitude. In this case we deal with the another branch of Raman spectroscopy – Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS). The interest in this topic is increasing as novel materials are found to be efficient for signal enhancement, such as dielectrics, core-shell nanoparticles, graphene etc. In this talk I will introduce the basics of SERS and will show how the signal can be enhanced when using randomly distributed particles and assembled on a predefined template.
